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"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men."Colossians 3:23


It's Serious Business

I see the days are getting closer and closer to the beginning of the new Fall semester.  I need to get serious about making art kicking it into high gear, because I am scheduled for my first campus art show with  fellow W.A.S.H. art studio classmate from Sam Houston State University, Frank Graham.  August 20th-30th, we will be featured in the Lowman Student Center.  Our show is titled, "Matters of the Heart."

As I said in a previous blog, I am ready to get out of my comfort zone, put myself out there and try some new techniques and styles.  I started by revisiting one of my art studio classes 2-D projects called, Storyline.  

We began with writing a story from our life to later use as a base for a Conceptual art piece. As usual each project came with very strict perimeters each student had to follow.  This time, after revisiting the assignment, I wanted to push the guidelines in a different fashion incorporate in the art the use of color and actual items collected from this personal journey.

My story revolves around a life-threatening health situation I found myself experiencing in my mid-thirties and a quilt that I was making at the time.  Using what I learned in class and new reading material this summer, I decided to use Collage, Assemblage and Found Objects to tell my story as an art journal page.

I used the Log Cabin quilt design as my template.  Then I took mixed media paper and tore each piece to represent the fabric of each quilt piece wanting the art at a distance to look like fabric.  Then as the viewer came closer have them discover hidden messages that visually displayed my emotions and overall experience.

Here are some of the first pieces of the artwork "Torn."

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